AssetWise Inspections

Asset/Report Value Import Controls and Options

Import File:

Once the Excel template has been completed and saved, use the Choose File button to select that file for importing.

Value Import Type

This option determines whether the imported data is for standard fields, repeating field group fields, or elements. The other controls on the page will vary depending on this selection.

Update Asset Values?

This option determines whether the asset values for the assets and fields included in the spreadsheet will be updated with the import. Selecting "Yes" from the dropdown reveals the Overwrite Existing Values? option.

  • Overwrite Existing Values? – Determines whether or not to overwrite existing values. Selecting "Yes" from the dropdown reveals the Import Empty Values? option.
  • Import Empty Values? – When option "No" is selected, it allows for items that have been left blank on the spreadsheet to be skipped. This prevents an existing value in AssetWise Inspections from being overwritten by a blank entry.

Update In Progress Report Values?

This option determines whether the import will update the report values of any open inspection reports for the assets included in the spreadsheet. Selecting "Yes" from the dropdown reveals the Overwrite Existing Values? option.

  • Overwrite Existing Values? – Determines whether or not to overwrite existing values. Selecting "Yes" from the dropdown reveals the Import Empty Values? option.
  • Import Empty Values? – When option "No" is selected, it allows for items that have been left blank on the spreadsheet to be skipped. This prevents an existing value in AssetWise Inspections from being overwritten by a blank entry.

Check for Errors Without Importing

This checkbox ensures that the import file is checked for errors prior to importing. Information on the performed error check can be found in the Past Imports tab.


When the desired file has been chosen and the settings have been determined, click the Process button to perform the import.